Tag Archive: solar panels

Solar Power System Helps Power Lodge in Peru

One of the cool things about working at the altE Store is that we get to deal with customers all over the world. We actually have systems installed on every continent of the planet. We recently received some pictures from…
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New Solar Power Bill filed by Governor Baker in Massachusetts

Massachusetts’ previous Governor, Deval Patrick, had set a target for 1,600 megawatts (MW) of solar power in Massachusetts by 2020. We are currently at about 86MW. However, there is currently a restriction on installing any new solar power systems in…
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Micro Inverters, Optimizers, and String Inverters, Oh My!

The technology for grid-tied solar systems has changed rapidly since its start around the turn of the century. With many choices now available, it can be a bit confusing to decide which is right for you.

The Solar Lease vs. Buy Debate; A Question of Math

In an earlier blog, Financing Your Renewable Energy System, we made the statement, “The lure of no money down for leasing is tempting, but the economics show that owning your system offers much better payback over the life of the…
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Solar Tracking Tips: To Track Or Not To Track?

The idea of installing a solar power system that automatically tracks the sun throughout the day, increasing its output by as much as 30% seems like such a great idea, but is it worth the extra expense and maintenance issues?…
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What Are The Best Solar Panels?

  We often get the question from customers, “What are the best solar panels for my home?” It depends on what you mean by best. In our experience at altE, for some customers “best” means highest efficiency per square foot,…
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Solar Energy – An Interview with a Solar Queen

Recently altE Store’s resident Solar Queen, Amy Beaudet, was given the opportunity to speak with Victor Norman, a Broker/Owner at Acton Real Estate Co., LLC, on his local television program Insider Guide to Real Estate.

MPPT Charge Controllers Upgrades Help Compensate for Less Winter Sun

With the recent string of cold and wintry weather, many people are thinking, “Oh great, more cold weather?! When is it going to be warm again?!” However, if you have an off grid system with batteries, you should be thinking,…
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Going Solar Doesn’t Have to Cost as Much as You Think

I admit, I already run my home with the help of a nice 8.8kW grid tie solar electric system. But in the event the power goes out, so does my big, bad solar array. Having an all electric house makes…
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altE Helps with Commissioning of Off-grid Solar and Wind Electric System for Research Center

I was fortunate enough to visit an island off the New England coast to help out with the commissioning of a terrific off-grid solar electric system. Appledore Island is home to the Shoals Marine Laboratory (SML), run together by Cornell…
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