Solar Power System Helps Power Lodge in Peru

One of the cool things about working at the altE Store is that we get to deal with customers all over the world. We actually have systems installed on every continent of the planet. We recently received some pictures from one of our Peruvian customers, proudly showing their new solar power system they installed themselves.

Solar Powered lodge in Peru

Inkaterra’s Reserva Amazonica Lodge is on the banks of the Madre de Dios river in the Amazon Basin. The only power they had came from a generator, which they were trying to limit as much as possible. Lighting in the rooms is provided by candles and kerosene lamps. As a company who prides themselves in sustainable tourism, they called us to help them become the first solar electric installation in the region. Their new off grid solar system is being used to power two refrigerators and a freezer.

altE designed a solar power system for them with four Kyocera 140W solar panels, a Morningstar solar charge controller, a Magnum off grid inverter, and six deep cycle batteries, along with all of the safety equipment like breakers and lightning arrestor. This system is connected to their generator, and will allow the generator to charge up the batteries if needed during a stretch of bad weather.

We’re proud to be able to help provide a safe, clean solar power solution in Peru.

Solar energy system installation in peru

Building a ground mount and digging the trench from the solar panels to the rest of the system.

Solar Panels in Peru

Solar panels for quiet, clean power.

Where in the world…

Location of solar powered system in Perusolar panels in peru

About Author

Amy Beaudet
Amy Beaudet was in the solar industry at the altE Store from 2007 until her untimely passing in 2021. She was a sales rep, instructor, and an all-around solar evangelist, sharing her passion for solar around the world. When whe wasn't at work, she enjoyed sailing and skiing - but odds were good she was still talking about solar on the boat or on the slopes. See more of Amy Beaudet's blog posts.