Top 10 Reasons to Attend the 2012 altE Installer and Dealer Conference
The altE 2012 Installer and Dealer Conference is right around the corner. The conference, being held on February 28 & 29, 2012, provides installers an opportunity to see new products and talk directly with some of the industry's leading Vendors and Manufacturers in the Exhibit / Trade Show area. In addition, installers can attend numerous breakout seminars featuring detailed product demonstrations, classroom training and valuable information on how to grow your business. The $149 registration fee includes admission to the trade show and exhibit hall, all seminars and workshops, evening reception, as well as all breakfasts and lunches during the event.
Have you signed up yet? Need a few good reasons to join us? Here are my Top 10 reasons to attend this year’s conference.
#10 You don't have to be a current Installer or Dealer with altE to attend this event
Unlike other similar events, installers, integrators and contractors do not need to be current dealers of altE to attend this event. Our primary objective is to provide an opportunity for all installers and dealers in the renewable energy community to meet with and learn from the industry’s leading manufacturers and vendors
#9 Network with other Installers
The conference agenda includes plenty of opportunities to network with other installers. Discuss the latest trends, ideas, happenings and share best practices with other installers and dealers from across the country.
#8 See the latest products from industry leading vendors and manufacturers
In the exhibit and trade show area you’ll see the leading vendors presenting the latest products and technologies. Vendors attending include: Solectria, Xantrex/Schneider Electric, Outback, Trojan Batteries, Midnite Solar, Kyocera, Schott, Schletter, Nine Fasteners, IronRidge, EcoLibrium Solar, Fronius, MK Battery, DPW, AET Solar and more.
#7 Have fun with resort activities!
The Waterville Valley Resort is an absolutely awesome place to host our conference and provides a great environment to combine business and pleasure. Come in a day early or stay a day or two after the conference. The Waterville Valley Resort is the perfect location to have a little fun this Winter while taking advantage of all the conference has to offer. More information on the Waterville Valley resort can be found here: The Waterville Valley Resort has extended some great special pricing for all of our attendees and their guests that want to enjoy skiing, snowboarding, snowshoeing, dog sledding, and much, much more.
#6 Learn from the experts
All vendors and manufacturers exhibiting in the trade show will also be presenting in-depth training seminars during the two day event. For a full list of training seminars visit the agenda tab at
#5 Earn NABCEP Continuing Education credits
Not only will you receive detailed, hands-on training during the seminars, but many of the sessions will qualify for NABCEP continuing education credits. In fact, almost half of our scheduled seminars qualify for continuing education credits.
#4 Meet the altE team
Ever wonder what that person on the other end of the phone looks like? The 2012 Installer Conference is a great opportunity to meet the altE team. We take great pride in the relationships we’ve built with our partners over the years and we look forward to meeting you at this year’s conference!
#3 Free activity pass for all attendees and guests
Have we mentioned what a great time we’re going to have? In conjunction with the Waterville Valley Resort, all attendees and guests staying at one of the Waterville Lodges will get a complimentary resort pass that provides access to the White Mountain Athletic Club (featuring indoor and outdoor 25m swimming pools, cardio and weight rooms, indoor tennis, saunas, steam rooms & whirlpool spas, massage service, tanning and game room), ice skating rink, wall climbing, free resort shuttle and more.
#2 Great timing
Cold, winter weather got you a little down in the dumps? Are things a little slow this time of year? Take advantage of the timing of our conference to meet with the industries top vendors face-to-face, learn about new products and attend hands-on training seminars (and have some fun too).
#1 Attending the altE Installer Conference is a great value and return on your investment
Not only do you get to see the industry leading vendors and attend in-depth training seminars, we are also extending our $149 early-bird registration, making the registration price just $149 per attendee regardless of when you sign up! And, if you’re sending more than one person, send us an email at to get a special, unadvertised discount. The altE 2012 Installer Conference is a value that simply can’t be beat!