Solar Power Myth: Solar Panel Maintenance Required

Here's a myth: My solar panel system will require maintenance.

Most grid-tie solar panel systems require very little maintenance, if any. If you happen to live directly below a bird migration route, you may need to give the solar panels an occasional hosing to clean off their, shall we say, droppings, but generally, the rain takes care of keeping solar panels clean. Snow will eventually melt off the solar panels – depending on how steep you have them tilted, it should be in a day or two. So, unless you absolutely have to get every drop of power out of your solar panels, you can just let mother nature take care of it for you.

If you do have a battery-based solar system, either off-grid or hybrid grid-tie with battery backup, and you have flooded lead acid batteries, then you will have to do regular checks of your batteries. The water and specific gravity levels need to be recorded, and distilled water added, as needed. If you have sealed batteries, like AGM or saltwater batteries like those from Aquion Energy, there is very little you need to do, just give an occasional visual inspection to ensure all is well.

So if you have the most common type of solar system, grid-tie, there's nothing you need to do but enjoy your reduced electric bill!

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