Solar Energy – An Interview with a Solar Queen
Recently altE Store’s resident Solar Queen, Amy Beaudet, was given the opportunity to speak with Victor Norman, a Broker/Owner at Acton Real Estate Co., LLC, on his local television program Insider Guide to Real Estate.
The interview begins with a historic look at solar water heating technology. Amy points out a little known fact that it all began with the need for 19th century husbands to heat bath water while their wives were away! Prior to World War II, solar water heating was on half the houses in Miami, FL. Many years later Jimmy Carter began the effort to make solar technology mainstream when he brought it to the White House.
Following the history of solar hot water, the interview turns toward an overview of Federal, State and SREC (Solar Renewable Energy Credit) government subsidies for both solar hot water and solar electric systems on residential homes. With these subsidies, payback on a residential solar electric system typically takes only 5 to 6 years, depending on the size of the system.
Later, Amy walks through the first steps to figuring out what is needed to get started with a solar electric system on a home. Amy covers the following topics in the remainder of the interview:
Where to start when sizing a system.
What is a grid tied system and how does it work?
What is a grid-tied with battery backup and how does it work?
How does solar affect the resale value and desirability of a house?
How often do solar panels need to be replaced?
How to select a quality, certified solar installer.
Watch the video to find out these answers and more!