Paul Rohrs's posts

Posted by Paul Rohrs on Jun 16, 2008 10:35 pm

#1 -  Renewable Energy > Technical Discussion: Other > Re: DC pump directly to PV Panel?
Net positive suction head or NPSH was a concern of mine as well.  The basin is 3/4 full so the pump is primed without power.

Your thoughts are accurate though, had the water line of the basin been below the pump line, inability to prime and cavitation at the pump definately would have been an issue.



Posted by Paul Rohrs on Jun 9, 2008 01:00 pm

#2 -  Renewable Energy > Technical Discussion: Other > Re: DC pump directly to PV Panel?
This is a small working display that illustrates the functions of a PV Panel, Small DC circulators, and mini-solar collector.  The unit is now operational.

I am a hydronic heating contractor.  Here is a link to our Hydronic forum where I have a picture posted.




Posted by Paul Rohrs on May 27, 2008 09:38 am

#3 -  Renewable Energy > Technical Discussion: Other > DC pump directly to PV Panel?
As a novice to the Solar PV industry, I have a lot to learn so here are my questions.

1.  Can I run a small DC circ (Laing D5 Series) DIRECTLY off of a small PV panel or do I need a charge controller?

This is for a small display and the circulator has an operating range of 1-22 watts.

2. What is the downside for this application? Possible overcharging of the 20W panel to the circ and shortening the life of the circ?

Thanks in advance


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