Ken Matthies's posts

Posted by Ken Matthies on Jan 20, 2002 10:48 pm

#1 -  Renewable Energy > Wanted > Re: I need new or used geneators for large wind turbines
>I will buy any (large >500kw)new or used generator for windmills

I currently own 6 150 kw 460 volt GE induction generators. I also have 6 50/1 ratio gear boxes all removed from wind generators. Let me know if you could use them.


Posted by Ken Matthies on Jan 20, 2002 10:43 pm

#2 -  Renewable Energy > Wanted > Re: egg-beater style windmill
Dear Leonard

I currently own 8 Deralius (eggbeater style)wind turbines. They stand 32 meters high, have a max blade radius of 23 meters and produce 150 kw @ 460 volts. They are currently grid connected. They do require an electric motor to start them turning. However that is all handled through the switch gear. The motor turns the rotating member up to 1750 rpms then cuts out. The wind then takes over and the motor switches over to a generator. The generator then runs at 1840 rpms. The system I have works OK but it is a very manual operation. You have to turn the switch on to start and off to stop it. The new systems are fully automated. This system could very easily be converted but we have moved onto bigger projects and they now sit idle. If you are interested in seeing them I can email you some pics and discuss a price at that time.


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