John Wolfe's posts

Posted by John Wolfe on Aug 27, 2010 03:12 am

#1 -  Renewable Energy > Technical Discussion: Other > Re: Low Battery Cut Out Limits
I purchased it at ABS Alaskan,  They have three stores:  one in Fairbanks, Anchorage, and in Washington state.  In the Fairbanks store, Judson can help you with this solution.  Phone number is 800-235-0689.

Posted by John Wolfe on Aug 17, 2010 07:22 pm

#2 -  Renewable Energy > Technical Discussion: Other > Re: Low Battery Cut Out Limits
There's more than one way to skin a cat, so here's another solution for a low battery voltage cutoff switch that may save some money:  I use two devices in series.  The first is the "Load Manager 1H", model #091-96-XX (substitue the xx for the voltage you want) manufactured by Kussmaul Electronics.  You can find them at  This gizmo has separate adjustments for disconnect and reconnect and voltage points, and they come in a few different voltage models.  I have one for my 24V system and it works great.  The limitation is that the relay is only good for 30 amps.  So, I use the Load Manager to control a 200 amp high current 24 V DC relay, which looks suspiciously like an old style starter solenoid on a car.  That relay feeds my 3KW (6KW Peak)full sine wave inverter.  I've had the system for over two years on a bank of ten, 100 Ah AGM batteries and it works fine.  Combined cost was about $130 up here in Alaska, so you should be able to do better down in the "lower 48".  If your inverter has a remote control line you'd be able to use the Load Manager by itself to provide a contact closure to the line, instead of cutting off the main battery voltage to the inverter.  That would save you $40-$60.

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