May 7th and the new UL 1741 and IEEE 1547

578 Posts
May 3, 2007 11:35 am
May 7th and the new UL 1741 and IEEE 1547

hey folks,
we have heard a lot of questions about the new grid-intertie inverter standards that come into effect on 7 may.  there is no need for panic or to delay potential purchases or installs.

all inverters manufactured before 7 may are under the old rules and can be sold and installed into the future without problems.

inverters manufactured after the 7th must meet the new regulations.  SMA's (sunny boy) inverters that are scheduled for manufacture under the new rules will have the suffix -US for meeting the new rules of the american market.  I will be looking into changes in other manufacturers' models and trying to post them on this thread as well.

Several companies have had to revise designs and come up with new models to meet the new rules.  We are trying to get the new models on the site as fast as possible, but in some cases, pricing and product distribution may not be ready immeadiately.

I am trying to learn more quickly, but the changes seem to cover the issue of connecting the neutral on the ac side.  I will look into this further and post on this thread in the coming days.

please share what you know, and I'll do the same

james - Alt-E staff (on location in chicago)

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