240 transformer on inverter

13 Posts
Apr 18, 2007 08:42 pm
240 transformer on inverter

I have a cabin on my property that is 600 feet from my power center. Instead of running a heavy line to it for occasional use I'm thinking of setting up my old invertor and a bank of batteries there. The plan is to use a step-up transformer at my inverter (about a 300watt one), and putting a 220v 10 amp 3-stage battery charger(xantrex truecharge 10i) at the batteries. It should'nt draw more than 1-2 amps and I should be OK with #14 wire.
Will this type of transformer work?
I'll be powering it with an older Heart Freedom 25 (modified sine wave) inverter, will MSW be a problem?
Thanks, Russell

Apr 29, 2007 07:44 am
Re: 240 transformer on inverter

I am just a little bit confused about some of this.
The "powercenter" you mention is this grid power? Is it a 120 vac service only?
Are you currently laying out a "heavy" drop cord to get 120 vac power at the cabin 600 foot away?

Is what you want to do, is set the tansformer at the service, trench in an underground 14/2 w/grnd. - 15 amp @ 240 vac circuit from the "powercenter" to the cabin, set a 240 vac input charger that will charge a battery bank  which will then power the inverter at the cabin?
Or maybe a 14/3 drop cord? I am so confused.

You say your thinking of setting up a battery bank and inverter at the powercenter so I assume there isn't any there already and that its grid power....

Well, anyway no matter. As for wiring a modified sine wave inverter to a step up transformer, how well do stepdown transformers work on that inverter? Some like those plug in block boxes that recharge Dust Busters or rechargeable drills and the like? If the inverter will not do those things properly it may not do what you want to do either. I just dont understand. If the inverter has an idle mode, it will sense the transformer as a fulltime load. I am not sure if any of this helps because I don't know the full situation. I am not even sure I fully understand what it is your trying to accomplish. If you could clairify some of this? Maybe?

Signed, Bewildered


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