Help!!! somebody am going crazy...

2 Posts
Mar 20, 2007 12:25 pm
Help!!! somebody am going crazy...

Help am looking for solar panel for a friend, that's something to run a desktop Pc. Can anybody give me a kind suggestion on what to buy and where to buy. I've been on the net since morning and please, somebody help. thanks
578 Posts
Mar 20, 2007 02:09 pm
Re: Help!!! somebody am going crazy...

for now, dont buy anything.  you are not going to be able to run a desktop computer directly from a photovoltaic module.

your best bet is to step back and calculate the loads you intend to run, and how long you have to run them each day.  once you have that figure in watt-hours per day, you need to figure out how many days of storage you want in your battery bank, in case of lack of sun.

use the load calculator in the how to section.  please dont waste your money with us or anyone else without doing the necessary system design work necessary.  you can use solar to run the computer, just not directly.  you can do the necessary design work yourself, or lean on one of us by calling or emailing.

check out home power #111, page 60.  this article should by right up your alley in terms of running a computer system off of pv.

- james  - Alt-E staff

"Making Renewable Do-able"

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2 Posts
Mar 22, 2007 06:27 am
Re: Help!!! somebody am going crazy...

Thank you so much James, now I can breathe. Thanks for the suggestion

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