2 different size battery banks

Mar 7, 2007 04:18 pm
2 different size battery banks

I have 2 rolls 530 6 volt batteries on my boat that are almost 3 years old. They are fed with 6 panels and overnight I use around 50 amps. I got a chance to get 2 new Trojan t-105 for back-up so I put them in with a switch. I charged them and have never used them keeping them for back-up. Should I use them or just keep using the Rolls? I have had a pulsing desulfator on the Rolls since they were new. Should I have to equalize them?
462 Posts
Mar 9, 2007 12:15 pm
Re: 2 different size battery banks

William, if each set of the batteries have a little age, and are of the same type, flooded lead acid, but they still hold a charge, why not put them all together, the two 6's in series, then those two groups in parallel, to increase your overall amphrs at 12 volts, without switching.  Then all the batteries will equally cycle and you may get more years out of them.
  Then, keep an eye on them to see if any obvious, overall power loss occurs from a bad battery in the the group. At least then you should be able to tell if a battery is going bad instead of switching and finding out then, when you really need the power.
« Last Edit: Mar 9, 2007 12:22 pm by Tom Mayrand »
Mar 9, 2007 01:47 pm
Re: 2 different size battery banks

The 2 Rolls @400 amp hrs are almost 3 years old. The 2 new batteries are US Power 225 amp. Won't the bigger Rolls try to feed the small 225 amp hr as they discharge? They are both connected to a battery switch that has 1-2-or both so the switching is easy.
« Last Edit: Mar 9, 2007 01:50 pm by william isherwood »
462 Posts
Mar 15, 2007 12:46 pm
Re: 2 different size battery banks

Then you should be all set. Just switch over to both once and a while to  make sure you give them all some discharge occasionally.

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