solar panel adjustment

1 Posts
Oct 24, 2006 10:03 am
solar panel adjustment

We now have an eight panel array that is on a foundation that starts about two feet off the ground.In our advancing years we find that that adjusting this array from 30 degrees to 60 degrees will,as we get older,being able to lift/lower this array is going to be a problem. does anyone know or has built a system that will allow the adjustment mechanically/hydraulically?
what may be causing some of the difficulty is the panels share a common rail across the back so in effect you are trying to raise all eight at once over your head(weight is about 240#)
163 Posts
Oct 24, 2006 01:11 pm
Re: solar panel adjustment

Move the fulcrum point nearer the center of your array. Of course this might be much easier said than done as it depends on the design of your rack, but as your fulcrum point (ie hinges) approach the center of balance the force required to lift the back of the array will approach zero.

Now if I can just get the good folks at this store to ship my order out then I can start to experiment with some of my own advice. :-)
578 Posts
Oct 24, 2006 02:41 pm
Re: solar panel adjustment

better yet, put the modules at latitude and leave them there.  you are likely to see between 2 and 8% total losses from seasonal adjustment if that.  Don't make it harder than necessary.  Plenty of people have non-adjustable arrays.  set the array to the angle = to the degrees in latitude of the place you live.

- james Alt-E staff

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16 Posts
Oct 24, 2006 08:19 pm
Re: solar panel adjustment

I am thinking that an actuator arm from a big satelite dish might work. If you know someone that still has a big didh they probably would let you look at it and see how it is mounted. Most of them run on 24 volt dc. Even a cheap arm has at least 600 lb. of force.  Victor Snodgrass
Oct 29, 2006 12:59 pm
Re: solar panel adjustment

Have you ever opened one of those older style wooden windows with the counter weights hidden in the jambs and attached to the sash with rope across pulleys on both sides?
I cant say that this would be any easy fix or that it would be a quick or inexpensive fix because I cannot see just how your array rack is built and so on.
The idea is simple though. Two poles, one at each end with a beam across them to support at least two pulleys, tie a couple of ropes onto the array rack, toss them over the pulleys then tie on the counter weights. Of course the are always things to consider such as safety and longevity. If your not sure just how to go about doing something like this or where to get materials for the job, check to if there is an awning company in your area the makes pull up canvas awnings still. Shucks! looking at some retractable awnings might even give some better ideas of your own on how to deal with this minor hitch.
462 Posts
Nov 1, 2006 10:55 am
Re: solar panel adjustment

Nick, going along with John and Thomas, either move the rail to the center of the array to balance it or add weight to the bottom of the array. You may be able to run a length of pipe across the bottom, attached underneath to the framing with simple pipe clamps. Some 1-1/2 galvinized tubing is pretty heavy. Adding some concrete or other material inside the pipe will add some weight to counter balance the rest of the panel. Or try some containers full of water.

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