Used composting toilet

2 Posts
Oct 18, 2006 12:06 pm
Used composting toilet

Hi all,

I am looking for a used composting toilet in good condition. I live in the DC area but wouldbe willing for pay for shipping if it is not prohibitive.

Please contact me is you are selling one.


3 Posts
Nov 3, 2006 12:30 pm
Re: Used composting toilet

I do have an Envirolet DC composting toilet.  Only used one season.  I just listed it on for the Madison, WI area ($499) if you're interested in checking it out. 
2 Posts
Nov 3, 2006 02:43 pm
Re: Used composting toilet

If Bridget is not interested I might purchase it... like she said, depends on shipping cost... but let me know if she doesn't get it.
3 Posts
Nov 8, 2006 11:38 pm
Re: Used composting toilet

I'd prefer to have the item picked up rather than shipped.
1 Posts
Nov 10, 2006 06:31 am
Re: Used composting toilet

Take my advice..

You would be much better off to build one and make a compost area. I used an Envirolet for a couple of years and it never did as stated. For the cash I spent on the Envirolet I could have built 15 home brew units that are much easier to operate and take up less space. I'm in contact with many folks in my situation and brand doesn't matter. The only units that have had a positive review are the ones that are connected to the grid..

If you're planning to be off grid, Build your own system..
Nov 21, 2006 02:31 pm
Re: Used composting toilet


I'm going to list a used envirolet basic on ebay in about a week or so.  it was used for about 2 month's while reconstruction was being done on a home.  They LOVED it.  It never smelled and worked great.  It has been thoroughly cleaned with bleach.  Incidentally, the owner's husband who cleaned is a dentist by trade.  check out my website over the next couple of weeks.
2 Posts
Nov 27, 2006 11:20 am
Re: Used composting toilet


If you have any plans that would be great.



PS I have only one floor to work with so I cant have an under the floor collector.
May 8, 2011 12:02 pm
Re: Used composting toilet


If you ares till looking for a composting toilet, we have a used Clivus Multrum, top of the line composting toilet.  These sell for $8,000, but we are willing to part with it for $800. You could check out what these look like on the Clivus Multrum website. Shipping would probably amount to about $200, but I would have to check.

Dr. Hans van Leeuwen
leeuwen @

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