Residential Solar Energy System Wanted

3 Posts
Oct 15, 2006 02:55 pm
Residential Solar Energy System Wanted

We are looking for a 1.5 to 4 KW solar energy system (PV) including solar panels, controllers, pure sine wave inverter for a 120V/60Hz (or 2x 120V/60Hz) residential on-grid system. Only a fully functional system (with or without mounting system) please. Transportation to El Paso, TX necessary. Serious offers with details (including age) please directly to our email globetrotters1 @
4 Posts
May 27, 2008 01:05 am
Re: Residential Solar Energy System Wanted

Hey Martin,
With the system your looking for what can you run off that? I am looking into a system that can help me run light,freezer,fans,tv,stereo and can hold up with salt spray? Can you please give me some information.
3 Posts
May 28, 2008 05:45 am
Re: Residential Solar Energy System Wanted

Hi Jonathan,
you might be better off to talk to a solar energy consultant. In general it's a matter of your energy consumption (see your bill), your location (how many sun hours per day you get) and your budget which defines the solar energy system you want to install. I also recommend you to study the "learn" section on this website!
Take care,

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