small scale battery charger

1 Posts
Aug 29, 2006 03:10 pm
small scale battery charger


My experience and understanding of solar energy is limited to the 1 amp panel I run on my camper trailer that uses 2 car batteries and 200W inverter to power some pretty basic electronics. 

Using this system has gotten me thinking about products that would be much smaller, something that I could use to charge my MP3 player or cell phone when in the bush.

I have seen some products available for sale, and am wondering if anyone has advice for a do it your selfer.  What kind of controller is needed to charge lets say an IPOD, or rechargeable AA batteries.  Do I need a battery and inverter, or is there a simpler solution? 

Any insight would be greatly appreciated!



578 Posts
Aug 31, 2006 07:14 pm
Re: small scale battery charger

check out the sunlinq by global solar, or the mysoldius solar charger on the website.  they are in the in the foldable solar panels section of the website, in the solar electric panels section of the website.  feel free to call us if you have any questions, but i think those products should fit the bill for what you are looking for.

james - Alt-E staff

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462 Posts
Sep 13, 2006 09:29 am
Re: small scale battery charger

Gregg, try Modern Outpost in canada, they too carry some small power solutions. Best is the mini panel that charges batteries and runs small radios and such. I've been using one for years. USA doesn't seem to carry them anymore, you used to be able to get them at Radio Shack. I think the battery companies didn't like it.

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