Feedback on the new forum?

109 Posts
Jun 28, 2006 11:24 am
Feedback on the new forum?

  Hello All!

  We've spent a decent amount of time trying to redesign the forum to make it as clean and easy as possible.  We did get rid of some non-critical features in order to make cleaner. 

  Any thoughts on the new forum?

  Best Wishes,

"Making Renewable Do-able"
« Last Edit: Aug 9, 2006 09:43 am by Nick Albright »
Dec 27, 2006 07:07 pm
Re: Feedback on the new forum?

Maybe I'm not seeing it, but a SEARCH function would be extremely helpful when looking for info about specific problems or equipment that have already been discussed. Currently it seems that one would have to scan through every post to look for something specific. Otherwise, looks good!
578 Posts
Dec 27, 2006 07:22 pm
Re: Feedback on the new forum?

when you are in the community tab, the search feature on top searches the community section including the forum.  I'm not sure if the gallery is included yet or not. 

I typed in "feedback" and found this thread to be fifth on the list.  the tabs can be confusing to some, but they are hadny once you are used to them.  if you click back to the store tab, the search function will go back to searching the store.

 james - Alt-E staff

"Making Renewable Do-able"

Tel: 877.878.4060 x107  or +1.978.562.5858 x107
Fax: 877.242.6718  or +1.978.562.5854
578 Posts
Dec 27, 2006 07:23 pm
Re: Feedback on the new forum?

or you guys can always reach me at extension 107, at least while I am in the office. Smiley

"Making Renewable Do-able"

Tel: 877.878.4060 x107  or +1.978.562.5858 x107
Fax: 877.242.6718  or +1.978.562.5854
109 Posts
Dec 28, 2006 10:54 am
Re: Feedback on the new forum?

Maybe I'm not seeing it, but a SEARCH function would be extremely helpful when looking for info about specific problems or equipment that have already been discussed. Currently it seems that one would have to scan through every post to look for something specific. Otherwise, looks good!


  As James mentioned above, while in the forum, the search box at the top searches the forum!  So just type your phrase in there and hit search, and all posts that may be helpful should pop up!

  Best Wishes, Smiley

"Making Renewable Do-able"
26 Posts
Feb 18, 2008 11:27 am
Re: Feedback on the new forum?

Looks good to newbie me :>)

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