water pumps

1 Posts
May 30, 2000 05:00 pm
water pumps

I am intersted in irrigating approx. 10 acres of pasture using a solar water pump. The water is on the surface. The pump I think I will need is a Solar Centrifugal Pump made by Dankoff. How big a and how many solar panels will I need and what type of inverter?
May 31, 2000 11:06 pm
Re: water pumps

If there is 10 feet of lift or less and if 20-30 GPM is okay you can use the new Dankoff 7445 - 24 volt PV direct pump with 144 watts of PV.

We will have the specs on this pump available for viewing on our website early next week. If you are interested in giving us more information about your particular situation, please send an Email to our general box (or tech @ altenergystore.com) and we will assign you a case number. Once you have a case number then we can quote you prices, complete systems etc.,.

1 Posts
Dec 21, 2000 04:08 pm
Re: water pumps

>I am intersted in irrigating approx. 10
>acres of pasture using a solar
>water pump. The water is on
>the surface. The pump I think
>I will need is a Solar
>Centrifugal Pump made by Dankoff. How
>big a and how many solar
>panels will I need and what
>type of inverter?


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