mechanical thermostat for solar pool heater

2 Posts
May 25, 2000 04:46 am
mechanical thermostat for solar pool heater

I am search of a mechanical thermostat (the type and size one might find in an automobile). The problem is I need a activation range of 100 degrees or so. The type of thermostat found in autos operates in the range above 160 degrees  Anyone have any ideas?
8 Posts
Dec 22, 2001 01:40 am
Re: mechanical thermostat for solar pool heater

Thermostat available for use with solar water heating. ajustable. have one on a system I took out. will look for makers mark. will let you know when i see. IMR.
2 Posts
Mar 28, 2003 01:53 pm
Re: mechanical thermostat for solar pool heater

Go to Home Depot and pick up an "upper" electric water heater thermostat. both NO/NC contacts available.  100 - 190 degrees

>I am search of a mechanical thermostat
>(the type and size one might
>find in an automobile). The problem
>is I need a activation range
>of 100 degrees or so. The
>type of thermostat found in autos
>operates in the range above 160
>degrees  Anyone have any ideas?

39 Posts
Apr 8, 2003 11:14 am
Re: mechanical thermostat for solar pool heater

If you do some testing of the automobile thermostats, you will find that they begin to open at temperatures well below their rating to allow fluid to flow. They are usually open fully at their rating temp. What are you using this for?  A pasteurizer?

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