
1 Posts
Jan 13, 2015 09:42 pm

This spring we'll begin the first steps of setting up our PV system.

Move the meter from the house to the yard, removing overhead lines and very old drop.   Bury from the new meter location to a newly build garage.   Put in a new 200A main breaker panel in the garage and treat the house as a subpanel (change in grounding).

Slightly longer term is installing an array either on the roof or co-located 2-axis tracker (still considering the snow).

In the meantime, before the Radian inverter &/or micro-inverters are setup, I'm pondering how to have all this electrical equipment installed properly and easily prepared for adding the PV steps, and integrate my current 7kw backup generator (which currently is not tied into my panel as I've avoided purchasing that hardware knowing that this was coming)

In addition to necessary load panels, if I installed
before installing the Mate & Radian, can this  GSLC   tied together the hardware I do have so that I can have power in the house during this transition time?

That is, will the GSLC 'work' before the Radian is attached to it?
47 Posts
Jan 14, 2015 10:41 am
Re: ac-coupling

What a great project.

The Outback GSLS-Ac includes the following:
Ground bus bar, 500 Amp DC shunt assembly, neutral bus bar, AC bus bars, two 175A panel mount breakers, remote-operated circuit breaker
(ROCB), control relays, four 50A 120/240VAC double pole panel mount breakers, sliding bypass interlock, AC wiring, and enclosure mounting hardware

So it has some 50A AC breakers in there that can be used for the grid and a generator until the DC breakers are needed for the PV system. Just use the breakers you need for now, and then use the rest later.

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