can the breakers in a Midnite Solar MNPV6 DISCO be switched individually?

76 Posts
Aug 12, 2013 01:16 pm
can the breakers in a Midnite Solar MNPV6 DISCO be switched individually?

Since installing the off-grid components in my garage, I've used a Midnite Solar MNPV6 to combine the PV modules into one output, which goes into my charge controller.  The charger controller then goes out to a high-amp distribution block.  Going to that same distribution block are my 400w Air-X, sets of batteries, and the inverter.  To increase safety, and to be able to shut off sets of batteries for maintenance, I'd like to replace the distribution block with the part mentioned in the thread title- a MNPV6 with the disconnect feature.

My questions: can the front lid be opened and individual breakers turned on and off, rather than throwing the big switch on the front, shutting off everything at once?
Can the lid be opened with the front switch in either on or off position without changing the state of the breakers?

I like the added safety of a BIG RED SWITCH that can instantly kill all power off to the inverter, and the added benefit of being able to shut off individual breakers, which would be groups of batteries.


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