Can a dedicated solar converter keep the compost from freezing in a year-round composting toilet?

1 Posts
Jul 23, 2003 04:49 pm
Can a dedicated solar converter keep the compost from freezing in a year-round composting toilet?

i'm considering installing a composing toilet in my cabin.  i have no electricity and only a woodstove on which to cook and heat the cabin.  is it possible to devise an inexpensive sloar converter  which would provide just enough continuous heat to keep the compost from freezing?
2 Posts
May 7, 2004 10:25 am
powerless toilets I have one !~!

I have just purchased a ENVIROLET composting toilet , am very happy with it . Its from
SANCOR The Environment Company they offer powerless no water versions as well as low wter remote system,  they run with wind turbine power sourse . i am very happy with this product
they offer three models with different power /non power needs .   CDN - 1-800-387-5245  or
               USA - 1-800-387-5126
 or web addy -

462 Posts
Aug 24, 2005 11:25 am
Re: Can a dedicated solar converter keep the compost from freezing in a year-round composting toilet?

Don, if the cabin is really remote, you could build yourself a small septic like tank with a leechfield and use a regular toilet with an elevated water tank for a supply. Or else go with PV, battery and inverter for power.

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