backup for SHW during a power outage

Aug 7, 2012 08:44 pm
backup for SHW during a power outage

I have an evacuated tube system (Seido tubes w/ a Purist pump station).  I would like a system to keep the pump going during a power outage (which happens too often here).  Can I install a PV panel to work the pump?  Do I need a battery, since it only has to work when the sun is shinning?  Can I isolate from the grid?  Any Ideals?
462 Posts
Aug 11, 2012 11:53 am
Re: backup for SHW during a power outage

Ed, I usually recommend a small pv panel and charge controller to charge a battery used in conjunction with a small inverter. Then you can use this setup year round to ensure that there is always power for your system.
 Step it up a little and you can have emergency power for other appliances and lights, as well as tv and radio for emergency information, should the power go out.
 If you have natural gas for heating and cooking, think about getting several small inverters or one larger one to operate these appliances since they use minimal power. Oil burners and electric stoves use more power but can be compensated for with a larger inverter.

 Just look around here at AltE for components or give them a call and  I am sure they can set you up with a system that is within your needs and budget.

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