solar power for fridge and chest freezer

1 Posts
Jul 21, 2003 12:41 pm
solar power for fridge and chest freezer

Are there any solar systems out there that I can use to power a refrigerator and a chest freezer. I need something to power just these two things that I'll be able to get up quickly.Thank you.
Mar 27, 2008 05:22 pm
Re: solar power for fridge and chest freezer

if yu get a small solar system for small devices or rv setup, it store in batteries.

See some here [Edit: Link to competing web site deleted. -Nick]
« Last Edit: Mar 31, 2008 05:22 pm by Nick Albright »
76 Posts
Mar 28, 2008 10:25 am
Re: solar power for fridge and chest freezer

I just took my garage off-grid about a month ago.  I'm in mid-Missouri, where the weather changes in the blink of an eye.  My garage has a chest freezer which must always stay running, and I also power various tools and lights when I'm working out there.  The system is wired for 24v, and AC is powered by a Tripp-Lite 24vdc in 120vac out inverter/charger (so I can plug the thing into a gas generator to charge the batteries if I needed to).

4x Mitsu 125w 12v modules
1x Air-X 400w 24v wind generator
4x Trojan J185H 12v (215AH ea.)

184 Posts
Mar 29, 2008 08:02 pm
Re: solar power for fridge and chest freezer

I use my off-grid system to power my refrigerator and freezer.  I started out with a basic system;  PV panels, charge controller, batteries, and inverter.  I wanted to automatically switch over to grid-power when battery voltage was low, so I added an automatic transfer switch and a voltage controlled switch.  It's working well, and I'm happy to be getting as much as I possibly can from my system without the need to constantly monitor it and manually switch the loads.  You can read more about my system here:

11 Posts
Apr 16, 2008 01:48 pm
Re: solar power for fridge and chest freezer

Hi Zelly. The thing for me is, going energy efficient with appliances. I have a small fridge/freezer. It produces no CFCs and uses about 307kw/h a year. Very cheap to run, that might be the best way. I use my solar power for my LED lamps. Very efficient. It's a Haier HSPWNA03 model I think. Cost only about 35 bucks a year to operate. Very cool appliance. Energy efficiency helps being sustainable on green energies.

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