xantrex MPPT 60-150 wrong connected

Jul 29, 2011 12:36 pm
xantrex MPPT 60-150 wrong connected

Hi, I have a problem with my Xantrex MPPT charge controller.
I set the charge controller with two panels and four batteries up for an off grid system.
It worked fine and I was very pleased with the setup, except for the wiring. I changed the wires for some bigger ones and after that the charge controller did not respond any more.

I have tried everything but still no responds.

All I can think of is that I connected the wires in the wrong order and there is even a possibility that I touched the connectors with the wrong wires, plus on minus or something.

The problem is that I can not send it back for repair because I live on Bonaire in the Caribbean. Sending it will cost me more than $200,- and getting it send back about the same, together about the same price as a new one.

Does anyone have experience with repairing the MPPT unit or replacing parts and are parts available?

I hope someone can help me.

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