Beat Global Warming with Artificial Trees

13 Posts
Dec 8, 2010 04:36 am
Beat Global Warming with Artificial Trees

Artificial trees can be used to cut down carbon dioxide emission and helps to maintain stable green environment. It is necessary to suggest some innovative eco-friendly ideas for our green future.
Construction of artificial trees is a encouraging approach for carbon dioxide reduction.
Artificial trees are so called because of their ability to mimic natural trees in the context of uptake of carbon.
Such trees can and should be used in combination with natural trees. The two can complement each other with artificial trees reducing in carbon dioxide accumulation while natural trees, through photosynthesis, continue to provide fresh oxygen needed by living organisms.
Construction of artificial trees is a promising approach for carbon dioxide reduction.
Each such synthetic tree will act like a big carbon dioxide filter and is estimated to be able to capture up to 10 tons of carbon dioxide each day, which is a lot more than what a real tree absorbs.
I found below stuff which gives you eco-friendly information on artificial trees.

Looking for more ideas on Artificial Trees....
46 Posts
Dec 8, 2010 08:39 pm
Re: Beat Global Warming with Artificial Trees

Hey wow! this sounds like a great idea. how much does one of these trees cost? What is it made of? plastic?
how about using the money you would have used to make fake trees (plastic?) and put it towards planting real trees.
unless you think i can burn your fake (artificial) trees in my stove to cook my food and keep me warm? would we use a diesel doser to bury your used up filters?
hate to be a kill joy here, just think some (un)common sense is in order.
13 Posts
Dec 9, 2010 04:20 am
Re: Beat Global Warming with Artificial Trees

 The price and cost of artificial trees depends on the materials used to make the specific tree and its size.

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