Whisper 175, tower kit, Trace inverter

1 Posts
Nov 26, 2010 04:49 pm
Whisper 175, tower kit, Trace inverter

All new, never installed.  Can't get a permit.  Whisper 175 is still in crate, s/n 17211622.  Lake Michigan Wind and Sun 84' tilt-up tower kit, everything except the pipe.  Trace SW4024 Inverter.  All documentation.  Located central Oregon coast.  $5,000 takes all - pennies on the dollar.

20 Posts
Dec 1, 2010 07:19 pm
Re: Whisper 175, tower kit, Trace inverter

hi Greg,

If your system is still available, I might get approval from my boss to purchase it.  We are Green Empowerment, a non-profit based in portland, OR, and are planning some test systems in Nicaragua and Peru for village use.  I do need to check for approval first, though, as we were supposed to do a thorough analysis of various technical options including locally-built.  A great price opportunity might change the process.
Could you e-mail me your original invoice to help me make the case?
I don't know alt-e policy on exchanging e-mail on the forum, but my address is on our web site greenempowerment.org

1 Posts
Apr 27, 2011 09:00 pm
Re: Whisper 175, tower kit, Trace inverter

All new, never installed.  Can't get a permit.  Whisper 175 is still in crate, s/n 17211622.  Lake Michigan Wind and Sun 84' tilt-up tower kit, everything except the pipe.  Trace SW4024 Inverter.  All documentation.  Located central Oregon coast.  $5,000 takes all - pennies on the dollar.

Greg, is this system still available, please let me know !

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