Wow, I am surprised that, this one, did not get a rave of replies. This board has really died off lately. I guess with RE gaining in public awareness and the RE industry as a collective reporting earnings in the billions, no one feels the need anymore to stick their neck out and defend RE.
I am curious Gergely Markolt, is your calculator based on the kilowatthour rate as posted by your electricity provider? Does it take into account the cost of such things as Operation Desert Storm? I know Bush said "its not about oil" but does anyone really believe that? Even Forbes magazine reported that, one of the things Saddam Hussein was attempting to accomplish was to change the price of crude oil from being based on the U.S. dollar to being based on the Euro dollar which means we here in America would be paying in excess of $10. a gallon for gasoline by now. What is the price of a human life? $100,000.? -$100,000,000.? - Would it be the same for each and every one of us? Or would certain ones of us believe that we are worth more than the other? Is a General worth more than a Private? Payscale would suggest it. More privates die than Generals but that could be simply because there are more Privates in actual combat than Generals. Is the life of a U.S. President worth more than that of young child. You would think not because we always here "women and children first." But what about the children who lost their fathers to Operation Desert Storm. I didnt see George Bush with a gun in his hands on the front lines.
(More about war. )
Its been said that our monthly electric bill is misleading, that we are paying out of more than one pocket without even knowing it. I believe this to be true of every monoply, even RE as a collective. The most effective form of control in any area of life is monopoly. When you control every single facet of something, be it gold or oil or shipping or the media or corn or water or air or flu shots, you control the people.
That last, flu shots, think about how natural selection over thousands of years has caused most humans to be resitant to flu viruses. A lot of people paid the price of their lives in order for the rest of us to be able to live through a flu infestation. WE, humans, got stronger while flu viruses got weaker. Now think about what is happening now with the flu shots we can get. Because productivity in the work place was suffering everytime the flu showed itself something had to be done.
Because of this, I fear that what is happening is a reversal. We, humans, will be getting less and less resistant to flu while the flu gets stronger.
Now, imagine a time in the not to distant future when we all, every last one of us has to take that shot every year without fail or we will die. Big bucks for the pharmaceuticals right. Look at energy in this same way. We, humans have become so dependent on energy that if it were to disappear over night a lot of us (billions) would die before the first year was over.
A message to all of you that want to save the planet Earth and save money on energy, "Just Say No To Energy".
Think about it at least. How the human race as a whole lived, without all of these energies we take for granted today, for thousands of years and how now in just the last 100 to 200 hundred years we believe we cannot live without them.
Pity about Earth.