altE Encourages You to use Google's Sidewiki!

65 Posts
Jun 10, 2010 02:11 am
altE Encourages You to use Google's Sidewiki!

Google's come out with what appears to be a great tool for our customers and our own staff to use on our website - it's called Sidewiki.

We see Sidewiki as a fantastic way for all of us to type in notes tied to a specific product page (or any other of our web pages) and share it with the rest of us who love designing, installing and thinking about renewable energy gear.

For instance, you might use the Sidewiki to type in notes on what you learned when you installed a specific product, things to watch out for, and give others tips on things you would do if you had to install it again.

At the core of all this, what makes Sidewiki seem so exciting to me is the ability to more easily mesh and put up online both the expertise of our knowledgeable technical sales folks and our customers' powerful experiences and knowledge from doing-it-themselves.

The more easily we can share best practices, real-world tips and otherwise undocumented suggestions, the more we can achieve what all of our dreams are... to get more and more of the world to successfully and safely install renewable energy systems.

We look forward to sharing renewable energy systems knowledge!

Sascha Deri

PS: Google's Sidewiki is a plugin for your web browser. Go here to download it:

"Making Renewable Do-able" (tm)
65 Posts
Jun 10, 2010 02:25 am
Re: altE Encourages You to use Google's Sidewiki!

To see an example of a Sidewiki comment in action that I just did, check out:

Of course, you need to have Sidewiki installed before you can see the comment text I put up. Smiley

"Making Renewable Do-able" (tm)

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