House clocks losing time...

6 Posts
Dec 14, 2009 11:28 pm
House clocks losing time...

Having a weird thing happen. Running Xantrex XW6048, finding that certain clocks in the house are losing time. Not flashing out like in a power failure but randomly losing 10 minutes in a day. Anyone else have this?
12 Posts
Dec 15, 2009 03:45 pm
Re: House clocks losing time...

Sounds like your inverter isn't running at 60 cycles! You better get that checked out!
49 Posts
Dec 15, 2009 10:15 pm
Re: House clocks losing time...

I'm running on 2 xantrex5048 and go to the cabin once a month,
the clocks on the microwave, stove, and clock are the same time with no loss in time.
6 Posts
Dec 16, 2009 10:09 am
Re: House clocks losing time...

How can I tell if the output is 60Hz? Could it be happening when the generator kicks in and the invertor bypasses to load carry via the generator?

Speaking of generators, when mine is running and the XW6048 is set to assist the generator loads, anything over a 2000 watt draw and it kicks the generator out and carries the laod itself.
1 Posts
Dec 30, 2009 03:41 pm
Re: House clocks losing time...

Sounds like you may have multiple issues, you should have someone familiar with the system operation take a look at it.
6 Posts
Dec 30, 2009 10:07 pm
Re: House clocks losing time...

Sounds like you may have multiple issues, you should have someone familiar with the system operation take a look at it.

Yes, the clock issue is caused by generators that run at greater then 60hz. (And the power is bypassed by the inverter into load carry)

Other issue I am trying to work out with Xantrex support as around here the most knowledgeable is me. doh
462 Posts
Jan 1, 2010 05:26 pm
Re: House clocks losing time...

Chris, the clocks that are running correctly may have an internal battery backup. Especially if they are digital.  The other clocks may be losing time due to a lack of power going to the inverter which may be shutting down due to this lack of minimum power input from your batteries, generator on startup or array. 
« Last Edit: Jan 1, 2010 05:29 pm by Tom Mayrand »
5 Posts
Jan 3, 2010 11:23 pm
Re: House clocks losing time...

start up generator let warm up 60 seconds read with volt ohm meter ac out put 120v should be close + = -
240v also close
switch to hertz on meter and should be close to 60 hz
if not shut off generator and check all connections,may have a bad one.
16 Posts
Aug 1, 2011 12:53 pm
Re: House clocks losing time...

New reply to an old post:

I have had the same issue for nearly 2 yrs. I also have the same Xantrex controller. When the generator is running the digital clocks speed up or lose time. I have a propane 8kw Guardian generator and a backup 8kw Generac both do the same thing.
16 Posts
Oct 20, 2013 04:31 pm
Re: House clocks losing time...

I have had the same problem for 4 yrs. I have had my 8kw Guardian serviced several times and no change. I gave up and purchased a clock that is not 60 cycle power dependant ie. Digital.
16 Posts
Apr 9, 2014 08:58 pm
Re: House clocks losing time...

Problem fixed. I upgraded my Generac 8kw to a 20kw and the clock in my gas stove has been dead on time.

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