Air breeze wind gen.

2 Posts
Nov 4, 2009 06:06 pm
Air breeze wind gen.

I have an air breeze(200w) marine gen. to charge my 4-6v batteries
but for some reason the air breeze is not charging the batteries, I have checked them with my meter to find a 12.1volts ( shouldn't they read 13.5).& they are only at 72% charged ( I put my battery charger on the batteries, and in a few hours at 12amps the battery came up to 13.5volts. & undid the charger) the next day I checked the % to see that the batteries are back down to 80%. I have nothing running on the boat but my pumps( that never come on **very dry bilges** is the wind gen. to little to keep the batteries topped off at 13.5volts. p/s all the batteries are only 6 months old. I have also notices that now and them the light on air breeze blinking then turning and charging Huh why is it doing that ?? not listed in the manual for the unit.
     *** Please help if you can...thanks I hope someday I can answer your Q's...
1 Posts
Nov 4, 2009 10:18 pm
Re: Air breeze wind gen.

What type of batteries are they?
What type of charger are you using?
How long after you disconnected the charger did you take a reading on the batteries?

Even though the batteries are only 6 months old, if they were discharged too deeply too many times, they could be toast.  The wrong type of charger could have damaged them too.  If you have availability to a known good battery, try to use that to test the Air Breeze.

46 Posts
Nov 5, 2009 08:42 pm
Re: Air breeze wind gen.

Charge your 12v batteries quickly and at a high voltage and they may read as high as 14 or 15v. Doing a proper charge, removing the charging source and then letting the batteries rest before taking a measurement will result in an accurate voltage reading. 12v batteries fully charged should read 12.7v. Fully discharged at 11.7.
Your turbine has a voltage adjustment screw. It may be set too low, but I would highly reccomend that you go back through that that instruction manual. Check out page 22, section 4.1.2 for that blinking light issue. Or even pg. 24. Probably the whole thing though. Lots of important info in there. Best of luck, -m
2 Posts
Nov 9, 2009 12:52 pm
Re: Air breeze wind gen.

thanks for the info. I will try moving the wind gen over to my starting battiers I know there good.

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