TARM 502 parts

5 Posts
Aug 31, 2009 06:54 pm
TARM 502 parts


I have several used parts for a TARM 502 for sale.  They include the loading door, grates, coal baffles, domestic hot water coil, and a few others.  All are in good to very good condition.  You can contact me directly at helmdiffeq @ yahoo.com.

I will send pictures, other information.

5 Posts
Aug 1, 2010 06:18 pm
Re: TARM 502 parts


I am selling some USED parts for a Tarm 502: grates,  doors, hot water coil.  oil burner, some other odds and ends. If interested contact me at helmdiffeq©yahoo.com. I can send pictures, etc. Most parts are in good to very good condition.

I live in eastern Pa., but will ship to any part of the US.


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