parallel ASC shunt controllers

73 Posts
Aug 14, 2009 08:40 am
parallel ASC shunt controllers

I want to add a second array to my system and want to know if adding a 2nd ASC shunt controller in parallel to my current one will work o.k. I plan on installing a Buss Bar for battery connections in order to simplify wiring and such and will be connecting the 2 ASC shunt controllers to it. These controllers should behave just fine together?

Aug 14, 2009 08:59 am
Re: parallel ASC shunt controllers

Looking at a spec. sheet for an ASC 12 amp version, its wriiten that "The ASC can be wired in parallel to sub arrays."

First page, paragraph header - "FOR LARGER ARRAYS"
73 Posts
Aug 14, 2009 09:14 am
Re: parallel ASC shunt controllers

right..I see that in the manual as well. I guess what I was really asking is if a buss bar is the best way to do this?
578 Posts
Aug 14, 2009 09:26 am
Re: parallel ASC shunt controllers

your question is a good one and  highlights why dc load centers are important.  when the combiner is by the array outside(combining) then there is the need for an enclosure that can provide the appropriate busbars to handle pv disconnects, charge controller disconnects, inverter disconnects, equipment grounding conductor, load circuit breakers, etc that is located inside. 

yes bus bars would be the way to go, but not bus bars randomly hanging out readily accessible in a live electrical condition.

depending on the case, sometimes one larger controller makes sense, other times the arrays dictate that two controllers would be a better solution.  as long as the controllers are wired in parallel, there should be no problem with their functionality.

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73 Posts
Aug 14, 2009 10:26 am
Re: parallel ASC shunt controllers

perfect! thanks for the reply James

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