MPPT Charge Controller Question

8 Posts
Jun 26, 2009 01:58 pm
MPPT Charge Controller Question

I currently have a Sunforce 30 amp charge controller and bought a Blue Sky 2000e 25 amp 12v mppt controller. After swapping out the charge controller I was getting only around 1/4 the amps I was with the sunforce. My friend also has the exact same setup as I do. The panels are 5 30 watt panels and 1 65 watt self made panel. You can jump the positive from the PV over to the positive on battery and see you have 13 amps but when connected through the mppt it shows 2.8. I have contacted tech support they said it could be the panels? Is it true that these controllers only work with certain panels/brands? It seems like to me that voltage is voltage if the controller is getting 17.6V from a source what could be different? Any ideals or similar situations?
« Last Edit: Jun 27, 2009 04:59 pm by Dean Moore »
220 Posts
Jun 26, 2009 02:40 pm
Re: MPPT Charge Controller Question

hi dean,

 yes there are issues with mis-matched modules but your comment here raises a flag.

 "You can jump the positive from the PV over to the positive on battery and see you have 13 amps but when connected through the mppt it shows 2.8"

 sounds like you may have the pv- going to the battery bank. on this controller the pv- and bat- have to be keep seperate at the controller.

good luck, dave
8 Posts
Jun 27, 2009 03:32 pm
Re: MPPT Charge Controller Question

No on that controller you can terminate the pv positive under the battery terminal pos (at the controller) and the controller will give you a read out of the current coming off the array. Tech support guy had me do, that pretty cool little feature to test panels output even though would be nice if the controller actually worked with my panels lol.

I have even hooked up just 1 panel by itself and have the same results of 1/3ish current output.
« Last Edit: Jun 27, 2009 03:35 pm by Dean Moore »
220 Posts
Jun 27, 2009 05:00 pm
Re: MPPT Charge Controller Question

 cool trick indeed using the internal shunt to read pv current. neat, thanks for that one.

 so much for the easy fix on this one..when you set up the one module test it takes the mis-matched problem out of play as well.

 i'm sure tech support went through the issues with the dip switch settings.(page 9 of manual)

 with temp sensor all four are on.(to the right)
without the temp sensor 1&2 are on 3&4 are off

do we have any flashing codes? also have you tried putting a good load on the bank while the sb2000 is running? (trying to run)

there are some issues with the setpoints for this controller needing a "voltage calibration tool" for banks that are not fully charged when trying to set the setpoints.

 dean, might be worth one more try at powering down, go over all the wiring again and power back up-controller to battery first then add the pv input to the controller.

cheers, dave
8 Posts
Jun 27, 2009 05:06 pm
Re: MPPT Charge Controller Question

Just figured it out. The c9 capacitor on the board has a poor connection. Accidently bumped it and noticed power output doubled. Re-soldered and all is well. I guess they have no QC dept. Thanks for input though.
220 Posts
Jun 27, 2009 05:26 pm
Re: MPPT Charge Controller Question

 nice to hear dean. must have been lunch break at the shop.
good eyes on that one.

cheers, dave

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