NY Residents and Installers - Please Help Pass This Legislation

52 Posts
Jun 2, 2009 02:17 pm
NY Residents and Installers - Please Help Pass This Legislation

Hello NY Residents!

Please help to get these Energy Bills enacted! Please call, email and write your State Senator and Assemblyman and tell them you support these bills.

These bills will help create jobs in New York and lower the cost of generating renewable energy in New York. New York has the potential to be the first State in the US to enact a Statewide Feed in Tariff; a government program proven to be successful in Germany.   

S 5074 and A 7672 Sales Tax Exemption on Commercial Solar purchases

S 4955-A and A 7653-A Task Force to Standardize Building codes for Solar Installations

S 4954-A and A 7611-A Green loans for Solar Installations

S 4993 and A 7557 Commercial Net Metering correction bill

S 2715 and A 0187 Feed In Tariff Bill for Renewable Energy Systems

Thank to Assemblymen S. Englebright, A. Hevesi Jr. and K. Cahill and Senator A. Thompson for Sponsoring the these Energy Bills.

Find your State Assemblyman here:


Find your State Senator here:


If you don't live in NY please direct this information to your friends and colleagues that do- creating a successful Feed in Tariff in New York could create a precedent that other States or even the Nation may follow.

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