Verify AH on Flooded Bateries?

8 Posts
Apr 3, 2009 10:20 am
Verify AH on Flooded Bateries?

Does anyone know the best way to physically verify the AH capacity of flooded batteries?

This would be nice to check if the manufacture AH rating is accurate.

351 Posts
Apr 3, 2009 11:11 am
Re: Verify AH on Flooded Bateries?

Find a load that is equal to 5% of the battery capacity. Attach it to the fully charged battery. The battery should support that load for 20 hours.  In the case of a 12 volt, that means 20 hours without the voltage dropping below 10.5 volts.
184 Posts
Apr 5, 2009 11:14 pm
Re: Verify AH on Flooded Bateries?

Ken's suggestion is good, but I like to periodically test my batteries under the conditions I would experience if I were to have a power failure.  I like to know how my system will perform in an emergency situation, so I simulate grid power failures once in awhile.  My loads are typical household loads, such as lights, refrigeration, microwave and kitchen items, TV, radio, cell-phone battery charging, and air circulation. I make journal entries concerning the loads, time of operation, and battery voltage readings.

8 Posts
Apr 6, 2009 03:14 pm
Re: Verify AH on Flooded Bateries?

Thanks for the reply guys!

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