Questionnaire for site surveying to install a solar PV system

6 Posts
Mar 11, 2009 12:58 am
Questionnaire for site surveying to install a solar PV system

Hi everyone!

Can I get a questionnaire prepared for site survey of a solar PV system which includes the following.

Identify Potential Applications:
Remoteness            Vulnerability
Low voltage                  Noise
Modularity             High Insolation
Social concerns          Environment
Reliability            Critical loads
Small power                  Pollution
Safety               Independence

Gather information about Applications:
Load requirements
Load profile
Power quality
DC or AC
Critical loads
Ease of access to site
Gather information about climate:
Latitude, Longitude
Variability of Weather

Gather Client information:
Reliability of their data
Level of technical skill
Future growth possibilities

Mar 18, 2009 06:53 pm
Re: Questionnaire for site surveying to install a solar PV system

I have never seen one with all of that on it but thats not saying there isn't one. If your interested in starting up a PV supply and installation service, a good place to start learning is here...
It may involve getting an unlimited state electrical contractors license as well. Check with your state.
Best of luck!

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