wanted used solar panels

1 Posts
Jan 7, 2000 07:34 pm
wanted used solar panels

wanted goood used solar panels/Arizona
2 Posts
Apr 13, 2000 01:56 pm
Re: wanted used solar panels

>wanted goood used solar panels/Arizona

I have 12  Solarex VLX-70 solar panels  for sale.  Each produces 70 watts and purchased for $328. They have been in service for about 9 months and are in excellent condition. Sale price $1,000 for each set of 4,  or $2,700 for all 12 .... i.e $3.33 per watt (Miami, Florida pick-up or purchaser pays shipping).

If interested, e-mail me at ScubaRAT @ aol.com

1 Posts
Jun 6, 2000 10:54 am
Re: wanted used solar panels

>wanted goood used solar panels/Arizona

I have a hundred 5 watt panels, produce 15 volts at 200-300ma each.  I can sell them for $25. each.They are new, wires attached.  12x12 inches.
Please reply so I know you've read this , thanks.

14 Posts
Sep 8, 2011 03:27 pm
Re: wanted used solar panels

I have 6 Solavolt 85 watt p anels boxed and ready to ship one has some sight damage to the junction box but it functions well and the junction box seals tight.  $265 per panel, 4 Seimens SP75 $300 ea, 4ea BP 75 $300 ea, 2 matrix 105 (24volt) 400 ea, 2 10 watt panels 65ea, 2 unisolar 42 watt unbreakable panels 200 ea.
Shipping fees paid by the buyer. (as estimated buy ups).
« Last Edit: Mar 8, 2012 11:10 am by David Arthur »
7 Posts
Jan 31, 2012 06:39 am
Re: wanted used solar panels

Hey, My friend is offering me some used Solar panels. So I just want to know that does it effect their efficiency if i bought used solar panels?

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