12V panel to 24V controller or LCB

Dec 16, 2008 05:43 am
12V panel to 24V controller or LCB

Does the Shur-flo 902-100 controller, rated @ 24V convert 12V from a panel into 24V?  I'd like to try pairing a 24V Shur-flo 2088 474-144 pump to a 130W/12V panel I have.  If so, will a 12/24V LCB work as well?
« Last Edit: Dec 16, 2008 05:55 am by William R Wagoner »
578 Posts
Dec 16, 2008 08:06 am
Re: 12V panel to 24V controller or LCB

no, none of the controllers/lcb will up convert, as far as i am aware.  you will either need another 130 or a pump that can run at 12v.  which pump do you have?

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Dec 16, 2008 01:09 pm
Re: 12V panel to 24V controller or LCB

I presently have the 12V std 2088 ag pump.  Long story yet have killed an 8000 Shurflo & 2088 motor running 'em PV direct. I've recently taken out 2 additional trees to let more direct sun through and am ready to wire in a timer so that the pump will only get juice during prime 10 to 2 sunshine time. (though I live across the country from my pond site and won't be out there until April) Noticed a blip that stated the 24V Shurflo pump could be run PV direct which makes me think that the 24V would be better adept for non-battery layout.  I do have an 85W panel and may purchase a 2nd one to get the 24 volts.

Already have 12/24V 7amp LCBs that will perform 15amp 10sec start ups.  Does a Shurflo 9300 902-100 controller do anything that a simple LCB doesn't do?

Are there 12V to 24V step up trans out there?

Thanks James
« Last Edit: Dec 16, 2008 01:12 pm by William R Wagoner »

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