Wind Power

1 Posts
Nov 29, 2008 02:56 am
Wind Power

hey guys, would anyone be interested in discussing about wind mills...

I have written an article on

do checkout and lets discuss...
1 Posts
Jan 20, 2009 08:01 pm
Re: Wind Power

Shawn, I am new to this but not new to the ideas. Since the President is an advocate for everything green, I believe it is our day in the Sun(Pun intended). I live in the Northwest in a neighborhood that is well established from the 1940's supporting the Navy's shipbuilding and the house I have is going to be dismantled in about 5 years and my new Solar/Wind powered home will replace it. Heres the kicker; The house sits on a hill in a subdivision of older homes but mine has unobstructed southern exposure, and the WIND,when it blows,can exceed 30 m/p/h gusts.In the winter, the sun is low,but I have a retainer wall on the south side of my property that abuts the street and sidewalk that is almost10'tall. This wall will be my responsability to maintain, and since the property is over 60 years old, this wall,as well as the house itself,needs to be redesigned.
  I am giving you this background,Shawn, because my dream for this property is to intigrate the solar with the wind,and have a thrombi wall at the street level to generate heat off the sun heating my retainer wall to heat my basement space in the winter months. Does it seem too drastic an indever, or if planned out correctly,from what I read of your paper, could it all be incorporated? What is your opinion
351 Posts
Jan 21, 2009 04:03 pm
Re: Wind Power

"and the WIND,when it blows,can exceed 30 m/p/h gusts."
That is not what you want for a wind turbine. You want strong steady winds.
Here is the validated 50 meter windspeed map for Washington.

Note that the Seattle-Tacoma area does not even qualify as marginal. Vancouver is better off with a marginal rating.
You might have some wind potential. The map is aimed more at utility sized units.�  But you need to start looking at your average annual wind speed and potential generation/pay back. You might be better off investing your "wind" dollars in more solar.
How many wind turbines have you seen in a five mile radius of your house ?

« Last Edit: Jan 21, 2009 04:10 pm by ken hall »
7 Posts
Jan 29, 2012 01:57 am
Re: Wind Power

Hey, this is really great thread about the wind power. Wind power is also a renewable source of energy. Thanks for sharing.

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