car radio hook up

2 Posts
Oct 10, 2008 05:56 pm
car radio hook up

want to run 12v radio off solar panel.what do I need besides panel and battery? and how big on both?This is all new to me also but it is exciting that at last we are waking up.
578 Posts
Oct 10, 2008 06:33 pm
Re: car radio hook up

you will need a solar charge controller rated for 1.56 x the short circuit current of you module.

if you need help sizing the module and the battery, you need to find the wattage of the radio and speakers, and you need to decide how long you want to run it each day.

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Oct 11, 2008 12:01 pm
Re: car radio hook up

Beware! PV can become addicting. First a car radio, then lights, a scanner, CB, TV, computer, etc., etc..
If your somewhat serious about expierimenting, start with at least two 6 volt 220 amp hour "golf cart" batteries wired in series for 12 volt nominal. These will be way better than those so called marine "deep cycle" batteries because the marine batteries are really just cranking batteries with an extra amount of reserve and they will not "live" as long.
As for a charge controller, plan for the future. You will want to add more PV modules as time goes by. 
2 Posts
Oct 13, 2008 12:39 pm
Re: car radio hook up

I'm already getting hooked.After looking into this alittle aI can't find anyone who knows how many watts it takes to run a car radio and the last reply I,m thinking I could use a regular home stereo reciever that I have in the shop already and can add things to it later.Limited  income (retired) but still want to play,which way would be less expensive to start with,car radio or home unit.God this is fun alreadt.

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