wanted used windseeker or whisper wind generator iowa

11 Posts
Sep 27, 2008 10:54 pm
wanted used windseeker or whisper wind generator iowa

i am looking for a used windseeker or whisper wind generator for a school/city project. please email or call. thanks located in iowa
2 Posts
Oct 1, 2008 07:18 pm
Re: wanted used windseeker or whisper wind generator iowa

hello I have a whisper wind generator that I am selling due to my family moving Its a 24 volt system with a 47 foot tower cables and misc my phone number is 563-889-2756 I live in the Davenport Iowa area
2 Posts
Nov 28, 2008 02:22 pm
Re: wanted used windseeker or whisper wind generator iowa

We have two 10 KW Bergy wind generators with towers, controllers, invertors etc...
We will sell both for the price of one.  Call Jeff @ 314-881-3213
jeff @ moreenergy.org
« Last Edit: Dec 2, 2008 11:05 am by Nick Albright »

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