50FT cable run from 80w kyocera panel, bad?

27 Posts
Sep 14, 2008 12:43 pm
50FT cable run from 80w kyocera panel, bad?

Hey all,

I am assembling a little off grid system for my cabin and was wondering if a 50+/- foot run of 10awg from my Kyocera KC85 will result in too much voltage loss/drop.  Reason being that the panel is to mount on the storage shed roof in the sun and I am placing the batteries/charge controller/inverter/etc in another out building where the main panel is.  Thanks for the help!
27 Posts
Sep 14, 2008 03:20 pm
Re: 50FT cable run from 80w kyocera panel, bad?

110 watt 9.17 amps of 10 gauge should be able to go around 65 feet according to my chart so It looks pretty good
27 Posts
Sep 14, 2008 04:51 pm
Re: 50FT cable run from 80w kyocera panel, bad?

Thanks Rene, I found another chart that stated I should use 8ga for my run, but we'll see how much voltage drop I get with 10 first I think...
578 Posts
Sep 15, 2008 10:51 am
Re: 50FT cable run from 80w kyocera panel, bad?

10awg will do 24 feet at 2% voltage drop.  8awg will do 38 feet at 2% voltage drop.  6awg will do 60ft at 2% voltage drop.

at 5% voltage drop,

10awg will do 60ft, 8awg will do 79ft.

hope that helps,

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27 Posts
Sep 15, 2008 01:12 pm
Re: 50FT cable run from 80w kyocera panel, bad?

That helps a lot, thanks james!
27 Posts
Sep 22, 2008 12:05 pm
Re: 50FT cable run from 80w kyocera panel, bad?

Well I installed my system this past weekend at our cabin.  I ran 10awg quality multistrand low volt lighting wire from my panel to the charge controller.  The total run was about 65 feet and I have zero voltage drop in the run, zero!  I had my fiance' on one end yelling from the controller and myself on the panel with a multimeter and they were the same everytime. Woohoo!...having a/c power at the flick of a switch sure was a nice change from firing up the generator all the time.

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