Praise for altE community and staff

73 Posts
Aug 28, 2008 08:12 pm
Praise for altE community and staff

Just wanted to say what a positive experience I have had with dealing with the altE staff. Delivery of orders happens extremely fast and the online help in the Technical Forums is 2nd to none. I've started building my Solar Power system just this week with all of the parts I've purchased from altE and wanted to say "Thanks" altE!


P.S. I've started putting up pics of my modest system build in my gallery.

27 Posts
Sep 12, 2008 06:43 pm
Re: Praise for altE community and staff

You must not have used UPS ground - my order is taking an extremely long time to get delivered to Seattle - Placed on September 6th expected to be delivered on September 16th.  This gives me only 2 evenings to mock up my system before I head to my cabin and install it all, ack!  I should have known better that they would take the most time possible...
« Last Edit: Sep 12, 2008 06:46 pm by Michael Riewer »
73 Posts
Sep 13, 2008 06:57 am
Re: Praise for altE community and staff

I did use UPS ground..though I am in the midwest and got my packages within 3 days of the shipping date. Good luck with your new system Michael.

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