windpowered generator

1 Posts
May 23, 2002 05:01 pm
windpowered generator

We are wanting to install a windmill on our property for alternative energy.  We are looking for a Tri-prop. with the necessary equipment for hook up.  We are novices and need help in what we need and how to install.  If anyone has the knowledge and would like to share please contact us.  Thank you, Judo and Dave.
29 Posts
May 25, 2003 11:18 am
Re: windpowered generator

How large is the generator you are wanting to use. The tower or tripod will have to be able to stand the wind loading the the generator propeller can cause. Like a small 400wat windgenerator can have a windloading of up to 18 square feet. So you will need to have a tower pole that can handle that or it will come down on a windy day and can hurt something or someone.
2 Posts
Oct 7, 2003 10:49 pm
Re: windpowered generator

Where are you located?  We sell and install fabulous, Lakota windmills in Ontario, Canada.  You can view them on our website at

They are very advanced with the latest technology available. Please email me directly if you have questions regarding our windmills.  One windmill alone will save you 70% on your electric bill.

Hope to talk to you later!

4 Posts
Apr 16, 2004 10:38 am

I was a novice 23 yrs ago- learned some expensive lessons!
Are you planning to be independent or inter-tie with the grid?
I have two WGs.One for a remote system for batteries and one to become a power company and tie into the grid.
How's your wind? Will you have to put the genny way up or not so high at the top of a hill?
What are you planning to use?
that is just a start-there is much to figure out before you do or buy anything.
I am a believer in "appropriate" technology-can YOU fix it. (some call it low tech!) The fancier the rig-the more costly to buy and fix.
5 Posts
Nov 20, 2004 12:39 pm
Re: windpowered generator

I have a Jacobs wind generator, 36 volt, 2500 watts that I just listed for sale in the "selling" section if interested.  Feel free to email me with any questions; thanks!

Doug DeGroot


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