Different size panels in 2 charge controllers

2 Posts
Jul 23, 2008 01:18 pm
Different size panels in 2 charge controllers

HI guys,

I have been off grid now for 8 years in the desert of Arizona. I have a 24 volt system with 20, 80 watt panels going into one SolarBoost 50. I would like to add 4, 175 watt panels into another Solarboost 50. I have gotten mixed ideas on how to hook up the second charge controller. Should it be a stand alone unit with panells connected to it and then to the battery bank, or should it be wired parallel to the first charge controller. I have been told if I do that, then two charge controllers might not like each other and give me false readings. Any help on this would be great. Thank you for your time.

578 Posts
Jul 23, 2008 02:45 pm
Re: Different size panels in 2 charge controllers

Should it be a stand alone unit with panells connected to it and then to the battery bank -

yes it should be treated as its own array.  when both are connected to the battery bank, they are in parallel, but each controller is connected independently to the battery bank and its own array.  each charge controller should have separate before and after disconnects in the dc load center on the positive side (assumes negative ground system). 

hope that helps,

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2 Posts
Jul 23, 2008 02:49 pm
Re: Different size panels in 2 charge controllers

Thank you VERY much for your help


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