Tool Shed Application

1 Posts
Jun 16, 2008 02:19 pm
Tool Shed Application

I am looking to create a small off-grid system to provide for some lights and use an occasional power tool in my tool shed.

I am thinking to marry an Advent AS 50W panel with a Xantrex X1500 Battery/Inverter system. (I like this unit because I can also wheel it to the house during a power outage.)

Question: For a single AS50 panel, is a charge controller required/recommended? If so, which would you suggest. I've read the X1500 manual and it is a little vague on this subject.

Also, I am looking at the SunWize adjustable pole mounts for the AS50 Panel. Their data sheet doesn't give dimensions. Any suggestion here?

Thanks in advance to all respondents.
184 Posts
Jun 16, 2008 04:58 pm
Re: Tool Shed Application

It looks as if the x1500 is nothing more than batteries, an inverter, and a battery charger. Unless I missed something you will need a charge controller.  Given the size of the solar panel you've selected, you could get by with a charge controller that costs as little as $50.00. Look at some of the low-end Morningstar PWM ones. 

You might also consider building your own PV system from scratch.  You could then choose batteries and an inverter that more closely meet your needs, and that better match the size of the solar panel you've selected.  You should then end up with a more efficient system, and one that is expandable. 

« Last Edit: Jun 16, 2008 05:01 pm by John Dalhaus »
578 Posts
Jun 17, 2008 10:47 am
Re: Tool Shed Application

i understand the dual use and portability of the xpower 1500, but i also agree with john, that i prefer a suitable component based system. 

that being said, a 6a controller, will work.

here are some examples


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