Adding solar panels to a concrete tile roof

2 Posts
Jun 3, 2008 02:59 am
Adding solar panels to a concrete tile roof

Our home in the San Francisco bay area has a concrete tile roof. I would not expect the structure of the roof framing to be built to also support the weight of solar panels in addition to the tile since there are never additional roof layers added to a tile roof, unlike a composition or shingle roof. Are the concrete tiles removed when panels are added to a concrete tile roof?
Jun 3, 2008 05:11 pm
Re: Adding solar panels to a concrete tile roof

Solar for hot water or solar for elec? Solar elec panels are not as heavy as solar water heating panels usually ;however, tile would most likley be removed and also an area around the panels so as to do install and maintenece. The area of tile removed is usually replaced w/some sort of say conventional roofing material.
2 Posts
Jun 3, 2008 08:06 pm
Re: Adding solar panels to a concrete tile roof

Thanks. Solar Electric. I would think what you say is correct, but in searching the net, all the installation examples (often California contractors) show mounting through the tile.
Jun 3, 2008 08:39 pm
Re: Adding solar panels to a concrete tile roof

Well... at least you should not need to do any structural redo to the roof support .You would be simply removing tile for the needed area and then re-roofing with a roofing compound that can be walked on ...also allowing for an approach/access.

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