Battteries do not hold charge overnight

9 Posts
May 7, 2008 01:45 pm
Battteries do not hold charge overnight

Installed 2-130 watt Krocera panels, going to a Xantrex C-35 controller, then to two midsize deep cycle batteries, into a 1500 watt pure sine wave inverter. Run a two pump drain back solar hot water system 170 watt total for both pumps.  In th morning the controller flashes below bulk charge. most of the time it is solid green at 2 pm, and the drainback is heated and not running. This is a 24 volt system.
578 Posts
May 7, 2008 01:53 pm
Re: Battteries do not hold charge overnight

dont know enough to help yet.

amp hours on batteries?

run time on pumps? 

170w for each pump or for both?

Alt-E staff

"Making Renewable Do-able"

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9 Posts
May 7, 2008 02:05 pm
Re: Battteries do not hold charge overnight

Installed 2-130 watt Krocera panels, going to a Xantrex C-35 controller, then to two midsize deep cycle batteries, into a 1500 watt pure sine wave inverter. Run a two pump drain back solar hot water system 170 watt total for both pumps.  In th morning the controller flashes below bulk charge. most of the time it is solid green at 2 pm, and the drainback is heated and not running. This is a 24 volt system.
dont know enough to help yet.

amp hours on batteries? do not know sorry.

run time on pumps? 4 hours

170w for each pump or for both? both

Alt-E staff
578 Posts
May 7, 2008 02:58 pm
Re: Battteries do not hold charge overnight

well, 170w x 4 hours = 680 watt hours
680 watt hours x 1.10 = 748 watt hours (inverter inefficiency)

production:  260w x 4 sun hours per day = 1040 watt hours /day
1040 watt hours per day x .80 (inefficiency) 832 watt hours per day.

that means that on a good day, your system barely gets the job done.  if your day is less than optimal, your system takes it out on your batteries, which is why the system behaves like it does.

to rectify this either the loads decrease, or the input increases.  adjusting the batteries will give more of a buffer, like a savings account.  but ultimately, spending more energy than you produce will create a shortfall that in your case will cause premature wear and eventual failure of your batteries.

Alt-E staff

"Making Renewable Do-able"

Tel: 877.878.4060 x107  or +1.978.562.5858 x107
Fax: 877.242.6718  or +1.978.562.5854
9 Posts
May 7, 2008 03:24 pm
Re: Battteries do not hold charge overnight

Thank You
462 Posts
May 19, 2008 01:23 pm
Re: Battteries do not hold charge overnight

Allen, you could try using newer, less power drawing pumps and reduce your power demand. You can get common circulators that run at 1/32 HP or around 20-25 Watts at 110 Volts. Though you may have to purchase a small inverter to run off your 24 volt system. This would be almost the same cost as adding more PV.

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