Panel to converter in-line fuse size?

27 Posts
May 2, 2008 04:26 pm
Panel to converter in-line fuse size?

Questions guys, what is the best size fuse to put between the panels and the charge controller?

Does it matter as long as it's big enough to handle the amps the panel produces?

Also should I have fuses anywhere else?

Looking forward to your answers/advice...

578 Posts
May 2, 2008 04:57 pm
Re: Panel to converter in-line fuse size?

to protect series strings of modules from back feeding and each other in the combiner, use the recommended max series fuse size listed on the module.  for disconnects before and after a charge controller use total array short circuit current x 1.56.  conductors should always handle more current than the overcurrent protection devices used on them.

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27 Posts
May 4, 2008 01:12 pm
Re: Panel to converter in-line fuse size?

Thanks James, now can I have it in English! lol... Or just laymans terms would do.

Many thanks

578 Posts
May 4, 2008 04:56 pm
Re: Panel to converter in-line fuse size?

sorry about that,
 lets take it from the top.

fill in the blanks and I can probably answer.

how many modules do you have in your array? -----------
--------- series strings of --------- ?
what make and model module are you using? -----------
you are using --------- as your charge controller
---------- is the nominal voltage of your battery bank.

Alt-E staff

"Making Renewable Do-able"

Tel: 877.878.4060 x107  or +1.978.562.5858 x107
Fax: 877.242.6718  or +1.978.562.5854
May 5, 2008 05:50 am
Re: Panel to converter in-line fuse size?

Buckle up!
Wire is sized according to the expected number of amps that will be running through them.
Manufactures of UL (Underwriters Laboratories) listed electricity consuming devices must post on that device the amount of electricity it consumes or in the case of PV modules what they produce.
Manufactures of UL listed wire do not have to post on the wire itself how many amps each wire can safely conduct but it does have to be posted somewhere. Typically we find these in the NEC (National Electrical Code) manual or handbook. There are so many types of wire and situations, such as ambient air temperature or conduit fill, to name a few, where the ampacity of a wire can change. All of this is in the NEC book.
That 156% that Mr. Cormican mentioned, is actually two different requirements. One is the addition of 125% to satisfy the NEC. The other is 125% to satisfy the UL.
125% x 125% = 156%
You see both the NEC and UL, individually believe that under certain circumstances a PV module can exceed its manufactures rated short circuit amperage output.

An example: We know from the NEC that #12 THHN copper wire is predominately good for 20 amps. Lets say, for example, that you have 5 - PV modules wired in parallel and their short circuit rating is 3 amps each for a total of 15 amps. #12 THHN can handle this, but we still have to add 156% for a total of 23.4 and so now we know #12 will not do. There are other factors to consider as well, but I will have to get back you on those.
27 Posts
May 5, 2008 09:51 am
Re: Panel to converter in-line fuse size?

how many modules do you have in your array?
     3 x 30W, 4 15W & 3 x 10W all wired into 1 controller @ 12V
what make and model module are you using?
     various - without loking at each I don't remember
Charge controller
     Juta CMP45 (45Amp)
nominal voltage of your battery bank
     12V currently, but likely to go to 24V soon

Many thanks


« Last Edit: May 5, 2008 09:53 am by Steve Miller »

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